Tel: (519) 259-1447 | Shelburne Law Office: 114 Main Street West, Suite 4, Shelburne, ON L9V 3K9 | Windsor Law Office by appointment only


we will always

negotiate for the best outcome

At Adlai, we approach litigation by working towards early resolution of cases. We aim to resolve your legal challenges at an early stage, and we will always negotiate the best outcome for our clients.


gavel with scales and law books in background

The litigation process involves is driven by defined court rules, procedures, practice directions and professional guidelines.  It is a process of resolving disputes between individuals or companies with the goal to resolve such disputes.

The litigation process begins when a party to the dispute acts on his or her legal rights and the process ends when the dispute is resolved.

Some areas we can assist are employment law, fraudulent misrepresentation, personal injury, product liability and professional liability.


Book a free consultation with us today